
Create a new React app:

deno run -A -r --template=react


In Aleph.js, a page is a React Component exported as default from a .jsx or .tsx file in the routes directory.

Each page is associated with a route based on its file name.

Example: If you create routes/about.tsx and it exports a React component like below, it will be accessible at /about.

export default function About() {
  return <h1>About Me</h1>;

To learn more about routing, check out the Routing documentation.

Use Data

Use Router

Linking Between Pages

Aleph.js provides a Link component to move between pages without refresh whole page, similarly to a SPA (single-page application).

import { Link } from "aleph/react";

export default function Nav() {
  return (
      <Link to="/">Home</Link>
      <Link to="/about">About</Link>
      <Link to="/blog/hello-world">Hello World</Link>

In the example above we have three links, each one maps a path (to) to the specified page:

  • /pages/index.tsx
  • /aboutpages/about.tsx
  • /blog/hello-worldpages/blog/$slug.tsx


Aleph.js also provides a NavLink component that will add active class/style when the specific page is activated. You can add the active class via activeClassName or add active style using activeStyle.

import { NavLink } from "aleph/react";

export default function Nav() {
  return (
      <NavLink to="/">Home</NavLink>
      <NavLink activeClassName="active" to="/about">About</NavLink>
      <NavLink activeStyle={{ color: "red" }} to="/contact">